Chris Christie and the Science of the Group Mind
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie finds himself in a position similar to many government and corporate leaders — apologizing for the misdeeds of his deputies, while at the same time claiming to have been misled Visit Page
Superhero or Supervillain?
Slate: From invisibility to superhuman strength to telekinesis, a wave of emerging technologies promise to give people powers once reserved for comic-book characters. Which raises an important question: If humans become superhuman, will we turn Visit Page
Good Versus Effective Leadership
The New York Times: The Lance Armstrong case is like many other instances involving the evaluation of leaders. The key problem is that we equate leader effectiveness with being a good leader. It isn’t enough Visit Page
Did Your Brain Make You Do It?
The New York Times: ARE you responsible for your behavior if your brain “made you do it”? Often we think not. For example, research now suggests that the brain’s frontal lobes, which are crucial for Visit Page
‘Redirect’ by Timothy D. Wilson and ‘Who’s in charge?’ by Michael S. Gazzaniga
The Boston Globe: Common sense has a lot to say about human behavior and the human brain. Recent empirical research, though, strongly suggests that a good deal of what it has to say is wrong. Visit Page
Riots in Vancouver are the latest connected to high-profile championship sporting events
Los Angeles Times: The morning after rioters made their mark on the city that he loves, Al Cyrenne made his. Cyrenne, who lives close enough to downtown Vancouver that he could see the smoke rising Visit Page