Serving Your Subordinates
In his book Arthashastra, the ancient Indian scholar Chanakya wrote that “the king shall consider as good, not what pleases himself, but what pleases his subjects.” That philosophy of leadership, embraced by many ancient religions Visit Page
When We Use Fate As A Scapegoat
The Huffington Post: Making decisions can be difficult, and making a hard decision can up the stress even more. A new study suggests that when we have an especially hard decision to make, we’re more Visit Page
Belief in Fate: A Way to Avoid Making Tough Decisions?
Pacific Standard: “It is what a man thinks of himself that really determines his fate,” declared Henry David Thoreau. “Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds,” echoed President Franklin Visit Page
When Faced With a Hard Decision, People Tend to Blame Fate
Life is full of decisions. Some, like what to eat for breakfast, are relatively easy. Others, like whether to move cities for a new job, are quite a bit more difficult. Difficult decisions tend to Visit Page
Building Your Brand’s Warmth and Competence
The Entrepreneur: If you want more customers, you need to get warmer. It turns out customers stereotype companies the way they stereotype people. We want a combination of warmth and competence from our brands, just Visit Page
How Warm Is Your Brand?
The world is having a love affair with Costco. Fortune Magazine ranks the warehouse retailer as one of the world’s most admired companies, and only partly because of its commitment to social responsibility. Operating under Visit Page