In Appreciation: Hershel W. Leibowitz
APS Fellow and Charter Member Hershel W. Leibowitz died February 13, 2011 at the age of 85. Leibowitz was the Evan Pugh Professor of Psychology at Pennsylvania State University until his retirement in 1995. He made Visit Page
Memories of Robert B. Zajonc
Robert Zajonc was a consummate scientist, scholar and social science researcher. His was a remarkable life, a life led during a renaissance period of social psychology and he had much to do with its development Visit Page
In Memory of David P. McCabe
David Peter McCabe, Assistant Professor of Psychology at Colorado State University, passed away unexpectedly and peacefully on January 11, 2011. His death is a great loss to his family, friends, and colleagues, and also to Visit Page
In Appreciation: Andy Baum
APS Fellow Andrew Baum died on November 22, 2010 at the age of 62. Baum was a distinguished professor and researcher at The University of Texas Arlington’s Department of Psychology where he made pioneering contributions Visit Page
In Appreciation: Sidney Bijou
Bijou When Alan Kraut asked me to organize the published remembrances of APS Fellow and Charter Member Sidney Bijou, I was honored to do it as I had high respect for Sid and he was Visit Page
In Appreciation: Robyn Dawes
(1936 – 2010) APS Fellow and Charter Member Robyn Dawes died December 14, 2010 from complications of Parkinson’s disease. He was 74. Dawes was the Charles J. Queenan Jr. University Professor of Psychology at Carnegie Visit Page