Remembering Nathan Kogan
APS Charter Member and Fellow Nathan Kogan died on April 28, 2013, at the age of 86. Nat was professor emeritus of psychology at the New School for Social Research and visiting scholar at Educational Visit Page
Remembering Nalini Ambady
Nalini Ambady, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University, passed away on October 28, 2013, after a recurrence of the leukemia she had recovered from 9 years earlier. Nalini was a social psychologist and world-renowned scholar Visit Page
Remembering Daniel M. Wegner
Dan Wegner was many things — a psychologist, a colleague, and a dear friend. But of all the things he was, inventor was first and foremost. No matter how wrinkled and flabby the two of Visit Page
Remembering Herbert L. Pick, Jr.
Herbert L. Pick, Jr., professor at the University of Minnesota’s Institute of Child Development, scholar of perceptual development and perception, and bicyclist, sailor, and snowshoer extraordinaire, passed away unexpectedly on June 18, 2012, two weeks Visit Page
Remembering R. Duncan Luce
R. Duncan Luce died on August 11, 2012. He was one of the most prominent mathematical psychologists of the 20th century, one who was very good at experiments as well. Luce was born May 16 Visit Page
Remembering Alice M. Isen
Alice M. Isen was a true scientific path-breaker. In an era of scientific psychology that was just overcoming the blinders of radical behaviorism to discover cognition, she nearly single-handedly initiated the modern scientific study of Visit Page