Remembering Janet Taylor Spence
Janet Taylor Spence, a transformative scientist, consummate professional leader, and committed member of all the communities to which she belonged, died on Cape Cod at the age of 91. Just 6 weeks before, she had Visit Page
Remembering Richard R. Bootzin
It is a great honor for me to introduce this collection of remembrances for my beloved colleague and friend APS Fellow Richard (Dick) Bootzin, who passed away suddenly in December 2014. Dick was 74 years Visit Page
Remembering Carolyn Rovee-Collier
After decades of refusing to give in to multiple sclerosis, Carolyn Rovee-Collier lost her brave battle with breast cancer on October 2, 2014. Carolyn’s empirical research reflected a paradigm shift within the field of infant Visit Page
Remembering Richard F. Thompson
The world lost a neuroscience pioneer in September 2014 with the passing of APS Past President Richard F. Thompson. Widely regarded as a leading authority in his field, Dick focused his research on the broad Visit Page
Remembering Donn Byrne
Kabir (1440–1518), the Indian mystic, asked, “Given both Guru [teacher] and Govind [God] standing in front of you, whom should you bow to first?” Kabir counselled, “All the glory should go to your Guru for Visit Page
Remembering Varda Shoham
With APS Board Member Varda Shoham’s unexpected death on March 18, 2014, we lost an influential advocate for psychological science. During her prolific career spanning over 30 years, Varda devoted her boundless energy and intellect Visit Page