The Dark Side of Daylight Saving Time: Science Sheds Light on Sleep Deprivation
Each year, Daylight Saving Time forces everyone to move their clocks ahead before going to bed on Saturday night, and by Monday many are still feeling the effects of the hour of sleep that they lost. Visit Page
Rethinking Sleep
The New York Times: Sometime in the dark stretch of the night it happens. Perhaps it’s the chime of an incoming text message. Or your iPhone screen lights up to alert you to a new Visit Page
5 Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams
LiveScience: When your head hits the pillow, for many it’s lights out for the conscious part of you. But the cells firing in your brain are very much awake, sparking enough energy to produce the Visit Page
Sleep Makes Your Memories Stronger
As humans, we spend about a third of our lives asleep. So there must be a point to it, right? Scientists have found that sleep helps consolidate memories, fixing them in the brain so we Visit Page
Study Finds That Sleep Selectively Preserves Emotional Memories
As poets, songwriters and authors have described, our memories range from misty water-colored recollections to vividly detailed images of the times of our lives. Now, a study led by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Visit Page