The Science And Poetry Behind A Semi-Famous Sleep Talker
NPR: Over the years, a couple of other McGregor’s sleep-talk recordings have been released. The forthcoming one has an introduction by a Harvard Medical School psychologist and frankly, upon listening to several of these recordings Visit Page
Goodnight. Sleep Clean.
The New York Times: SLEEP seems like a perfectly fine waste of time. Why would our bodies evolve to spend close to one-third of our lives completely out of it, when we could instead be Visit Page
Is Your Teen a Night Owl? That Could Explain His Poor Grades
TIME: Staying up late is almost a rite of passage for teens, but night owl students could be paying the price with lower grades years after high school. There’s plenty of research showing that the Visit Page
Fear memories can be overcome during sleep, researchers say
The Washington Post: It can take only an instant for fear to take hold in the brain: a fear of snakes after being bitten by one, or anxiety around bodies of water after witnessing a Visit Page
The Perfect Nap: Sleeping Is a Mix of Art and Science
The Wall Street Journal: There’s an art to napping. Studies have found different benefits—and detriments—to a nap’s timing, duration and even effect on different people, depending on one’s age and possibly genetics. “Naps are actually Visit Page
Bone-tired? How about ‘gene-tired’?
The Washington Post: Hey, you, yawning in your cubicle at 2 in the afternoon. Your genes feel it, too. A new study, paid for by the U.S. Air Force but relevant for anyone with a Visit Page