Distrutti dopo il divorzio? La separazione non c’entra
la Repubblica: Diceva Marlene Dietrich che “quando l’amore è finito, gli alimenti colmano il vuoto”. Di separazioni la femme fatale ne sapeva qualcosa, ma un conto è lasciare Ernest Hemingway per Jean Gabin e un
How do you bounce back from a break-up? Be kind to yourself
Daily Mail: Being kind to yourself could be the solution to coping with a broken heart. Self-compassion helps people survive a break-up without bitterness and get back on their feet more quickly, scientists say. Recent
Selbstmitleid lindert Trennungsschmerz
FOCUS: Über eine Scheidung freut sich niemand. Zu der Traurigkeit über die zerbrochene Ehe kommen häufig noch belastende Diskussionen hinzu – wer muss wem wie viel zahlen, wer bekommt das Haus, wie oft hütet wer
Self-compassion helps heal post-divorce blues
Yahoo! India: Self-compassion and the ability to let painful emotions pass helps heal post divorce blues, a new study suggests. This trait ‘can promote resilience and positive outcomes in the face of divorce,’ says University
Advice To Divorcees: Go Easy On Yourself
Divorce is tough, for just about everyone. But some people move through a breakup without overwhelming distress, even if they’re sad or worried about money, while others get stuck in the bad feelings and can’t
In a Married World, Singles Struggle for Attention
The New York Times: Here’s a September celebration you probably didn’t know about: It’s National Single and Unmarried Americans Week. But maybe celebration isn’t the right word. Social scientists and researchers say the plight of