Which Makes You Happier: Money or Respect?
Shape Magazine: They say money can’t buy happiness, and “they” would be right. According to a new study, a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T goes a lot further than a paycheck when it comes to being happy for
Respekt und Anerkennung verheißen ein glückliches Leben (Respect and recognition promise a happy life)
bild der wissenschaft: Geld macht nicht glücklich – soziale Anerkennung sehr wohl Dass Glück sich nicht erkaufen lässt, ist eine Binsenweisheit. Jetzt geben Ergebnisse einer amerikanischen Studie Hinweise darauf, was uns tatsächlich glücklich macht: Anerkennung
Respect of peers more important than money: Study
TODAY Online: The respect of friends and colleagues makes people happier than being wealthy because the enjoyment we get from money fades, a study has found. The admiration and respect of our peers has a
Happiness rooted in respect, not money
United Press International: Overall happiness is related to respect and admiration in your inner circle, not how much money a person has in his or her bank account, U.S. researchers say. Cameron Anderson of the
It’s respect of your peers – not wealth – that will bring you happiness, report claims
Daily Mail: The respect of your peers is the root of happiness in life and more important than how well-off you are, according to a report published yesterday. It suggests that overall happiness in life
Los adultos mayores tienen amistades y relaciones más estrechas
NeoMundo: La mayoría de las personas mira la vejez con un poco de miedo, pero esta edad tiene más de un tesoro escondido. Los adultos mayores parecen disfrutar de relaciones y amistades más profundas, concluyó