A Million First Dates
The Atlantic: Psychologists who study relationships say that three ingredients generally determine the strength of commitment: overall satisfaction with the relationship; the investment one has put into it (time and effort, shared experiences and emotions Visit Page
Quelling the Quarter Life Crisis With Psychology and Economics
The Huffington Post: Many young adults today find themselves facing a crisis of direction in their lives and identify this experience as a ‘quarter life crisis.’ Critics however suggest that this is nothing more than Visit Page
It’s Complicated: The Psychology of ‘Singlism’
The Huffington Post: I’m married, but I have also been single for significant stretches in my life. I think I’m being honest when I say that I can see the virtues in both life choices Visit Page
Best Time To Find Love Online Is Near The New Year: Report
The Huffington Post: Love is in the air — well, at least in matchmaking chat rooms. Resident researchers with Match.com told the Daily Mail that the week leading up to New Year’s is the busiest Visit Page
It’s Complicated: The Psychology of “Singlism”
I’m married, but I have also been single for significant stretches in my life. I think I’m being honest when I say that I can see the virtues in both life choices, and understand why Visit Page
The 21-Minute Marriage Cure!
The Huffington Post: I know. I know. It sounds like one of those late-late night TV pitches, or some volume on the self-help shelf of a bookstore. Six-pack abs or a lucrative new career today Visit Page