Why Is Dining Alone So Difficult?
… The assumption that people need to be coupled or grouped goes beyond restaurants, said Bella DePaulo, a social psychologist in Summerland, Calif., and the author of the 2023 book “Single at Heart: The Power, Freedom Visit Page
Untangling Mental Health Disparities in Bisexual Young Adults
Researchers break apart monoliths to find out why bisexual people are more burdened by mental health challenges than gay or lesbian people. Visit Page
Why It’s Important to Talk about Race with Children
When my son was three years old, he told me one day after preschool that he didn’t want to play with me because I was Black. He went on; Black people are mean, he said Visit Page
Why People Feel Nostalgic for Terrible Times
… Psychologists define meaning as the feeling that one’s life is significant, coherent, and purposeful, says Constantine Sedikides, a psychologist at the University of Southampton, in the U.K. And many times, our actions during a challenging time Visit Page
The Psychology of ‘Shared Silence’ in Couples
A couple sits together on a sunny park bench. He appears to be studying the passing clouds; she’s absorbed in a novel. Some passersby might think, How sweet. Others might see them as bleak. … Weinstein Visit Page
How to Complain Better and Strengthen Relationships
… Marital researcher John M. Gottman found that even in successful long-term relationships, 69 percent of conflicts remain unresolved due to fundamental differences in personality, lifestyle preferences or values. Rather than seeking a “fix,” strive for Visit Page