Romance Research Roundup
The inner workings of our hearts may always remain a partial mystery, but psychological scientists are on the forefront of what makes love, sex, romance, and attachment so alluring to human beings. This Valentine’s Day, the Observer shares some of the field’s most recent findings on the science of attraction.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research reexamining links between smile intensity and longevity, exploring mothers’ responses to infant distress cues, and early predictors of number-system knowledge.
The Hidden Costs of Sleep Deficits
Throughout modern history, the concept of a good night’s sleep has often been painted as almost an indulgence. Virginia Woolf referred to it as “that deplorable curtailment of the joy of life.” Vladimir Nabokov called
How Viewing Cute Animals Can Help Rekindle Marital Spark
Using evaluative conditioning, a team of researchers has developed an unconventional intervention for helping a marriage maintain its spark: pictures of puppies and bunnies.
Spouses’ Daily Responses to Partners’ Pain Linked with Later Functioning
The dynamics of spouses’ daily interactions may influence whether an ill partner’s physical functioning improves over time.
A 48-Hour Sexual ‘Afterglow’ Helps to Bond Partners Over Time
A study of newlywed couples indicates that partners experience a sexual ‘afterglow’ that lasts for up to two days and is linked with relationship quality over the long term.