How Not To Cope With a Personal Insult
Humans have always had to cope with threats, both big and small. The physical and life-threatening threats that our ancestors faced have largely been replaced by social threats, but they are nonetheless an emotional menace Visit Page
It’s all about how we perceive threat
Times of India: The way a threat is construed determines the effectiveness of the types of strategies that one embarks upon to resolve it, according to a new study. According to author Alexa Tullett, upon Visit Page
Confronting Meaninglessness
You’ve just finished an amazing dinner at your favorite restaurant and you are ready to put on your comfy pajamas and slip into sweet slumber. You arrive at your doorstep and find the front door Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A Functional Role for the Motor System in Language Understanding: Evidence From Theta-Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Roel M. Willems, Ludovica Labruna, Mark D’Esposito, Richard Ivry, and Daniel Casasanto Previous studies have revealed that motor areas Visit Page
Reason Seen More as Weapon Than Path to Truth
The New York Times: For centuries thinkers have assumed that the uniquely human capacity for reasoning has existed to let people reach beyond mere perception and reflex in the search for truth. Rationality allowed a Visit Page
Is It Hot Outside? You Might Be More Likely to Believe in Global Warming
TIME: A study recently published in Psychological Science suggests that daily weather dictates climate change opinion, indicating that “irrelevant environmental information, such as the current weather, can affect judgments.” Researchers from the Columbia University Center Visit Page