Study: Challenging seniors’ brains can also change their personality
CNN Health: We’ve all heard the adage “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” But new research reveals that you CAN teach an older adult how to improve their brain skills, with the added Visit Page
Prejudice Is A Basic Human Need
Science 2.0: Prejudice is just bigotry that arises from flawed ideology, right? Not so, say the authors of a new paper. They contend prejudice stems from a deeper psychological need and it is associated with Visit Page
Die Sicherheit des Status quo
Wiener Zeitung: “Gott soll einen behüten vor allem, was noch ein Glück war”, zitiert Friedrich Torberg seine Tante Jolesch. Mit seinen Büchern über die Tante Jolesch er nicht nur seiner Jugend und dem jüdischen Leben Visit Page
Because You Said So?
The Epoch Times: Adults rely heavily on verbal labels to identify objects and understand the world around them, and scientists have long believed that children’s minds work the same way. A new study from Ohio Visit Page
People Don’t Just Think with Their Guts; Logic Plays a Role Too
For decades, science has suggested that when people make decisions, they tend to ignore logic and go with the gut. But Wim De Neys, a psychological scientist at the University of Toulouse in France, has Visit Page
Why we make bad decisions
Salon: What role do our surroundings have in the choices we make? Consider the fact that we are more likely to commit a “random” act of kindness toward a person who has already done something Visit Page