Fremdsprachiges Denken ist vernünftiger (Thinking in a foreign language is rational)
ORF Austria: Der Ton macht bekanntlich die Musik – und nicht nur dieser: Wie der israelisch-amerikanische Psychologe Daniel Kahneman in den 1980er Jahren herausgefunden hat, können selbst staubtrocken formulierte Botschaften völlig unterschiedliche Wirkungen haben. Ob
Organic Eaters Might Be Meaner Than Their Counterparts, Study Finds
Huffington Post: Eating organic food may make people develop a holier-than-thou complex, according to a new study in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. Researchers divided subjects into three different groups. One was shown
The Moral Diet
The New York Times: In the 1970s, the gift shop at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts was an informal affair. It was staffed by about 300 mostly elderly volunteers, and there were cash
Scientists Look to Genetics of Behavior for Answers to Country’s Partisan Divide
The Chronicle of Higher Education: Scientific analysis has been able to solve the mysteries of polio and smallpox, heavier-than-air flight, the structure of atoms, and millions of other longstanding puzzles of nature. Could it now
Seeing black and white makes people more judgmental
msnbc: Black-and-white judgments may be more literal than you might expect. A new study finds that people who view information on a black-and-white background are less likely to see gray areas in moral dilemmas than
It’s Not a Tumor! The Psychology Behind Cyberchondria
Newsweek: It’s a familiar story. You feel a little under the weather, so you rush to WebMD or MedicineNet for a self-diagnosis. When you leave the sites, you’re convinced your headache and minor nausea must