You Don’t Like What You Ignore
Huffington Post: The world is a busy place. Driving down the highway, there are cars on the road you need to track. There are also other less essential things calling for your attention like bumper
New Research From Psychological Science
A Functional Role for the Motor System in Language Understanding: Evidence From Theta-Burst Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Roel M. Willems, Ludovica Labruna, Mark D’Esposito, Richard Ivry, and Daniel Casasanto Previous studies have revealed that motor areas
Is reading comprehension a hidden disability?
A team of researchers find evidence suggesting that children’s problems with reading comprehension may, at their core, be a spoken language problem.
Cognitive Differences in Reading From Kindle, iPad, and Paper Text
My name is Thomas Gable from The College of Wooster, and I presented my research at the APS 23rd Annual Convention in Washington, DC. Participants’ reading speeds and memory (of a short story) while using
New Research From Psychological Science
The Use of Definite References Signals Declarative Memory: Evidence From Patients With Hippocampal Amnesia Melissa C. Duff, Rupa Gupta, Julie A. Hengst, Daniel Tranel, and Neal J. Cohen Most people will use declarative references to
Ansteckende Erinnerungen
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Erinnerungen erscheinen dem Menschen mitunter so unverrückbar, als wären sie in Stein gemeißelt. Doch Erinnerungen leben. Sie verändern sich, wenn Menschen sie mit anderen teilen. Und manchmal sterben sie, weil jemand stirbt, der