fMRIs Show That Dyslexia Isn’t A Matter of IQ
A brain-imaging study challenges a common understanding of dyslexia, showing that the reading difficulties associated with dyslexia are not related to IQ.
Dyslexia independent of IQ
MIT News: About 5 to 10 percent of American children are diagnosed as dyslexic. Historically, the label has been assigned to kids who are bright, even verbally articulate, but who struggle with reading — in
Surprise: Spoilers Make Stories Better
Boston Globe: Reviewers of movies and novels must obey one prime directive: never, ever reveal what happens at the end (or, at the very least, preface the inside info with a warning: SPOILER ALERT!). Now
Av en bok blir du klok
Helsingborgs Dagblad: En mässa för böcker och bibliotek är förstås en god sak. Tycker vi. Men på vilka grunder? Föreställningen att läsning i allmänhet, och skönlitteratur i synnerhet, gör oss till bättre människor är närmast
Reading fiction ‘improves empathy’, study finds
The Guardian: Burying your head in a novel isn’t just a way to escape the world: psychologists are increasingly finding that reading can affect our personalities. A trip into the world of Stephenie Meyer, for
Why that book changed your life
National Post: The claim that a book can change someone’s life is one that’s made over and over again. Usually, we brush it aside as a cliché, but what if it was actually possible? The