Here, There, Everywhere
Psychological scientists have built thriving research careers outside the traditional boundaries of university psychology and behavioral science departments, including dentistry, optometry, engineering, music, fashion, and even physics.
The Roots of Religion
Psychological scientist Jacqueline S. Mattis and other researchers explain the psychological and cultural foundations of spiritual beliefs and practices.
White people think racism is getting worse. Against white people.
The Washington Post: How do Americans think about the role of race in our country’s daily life? News reports, social media and uncomfortable dinner conversations often point to one conclusion: They disagree. Many white Americans
Police Language in Traffic Stops Shows Hidden Bias
An analysis of audio recordings from 380 traffic stops showed distinctive differences in the language that police used when speaking to White drivers compared to African American drivers.
Family Support Buffers the Physiological Effects of Racial Discrimination
African American adolescents who experience high levels of racial discrimination show cellular wear and tear, according to new research published in Psychological Science.
The Year in U.S. Policing
City Lab: Whether or not he realized it at the time, McLay had crossed a line. It was a line drawn not by the Black Lives Matter activists who’d spoken out about the link between