Starbucks’s Troubles Can Be a Test for Anti-Bias Training: Does It Work?
Earlier this month, two black men were arrested for trespassing at a Starbucks cafe in Philadelphia. They were waiting for a friend but had not bought anything and would not leave, so the store manager
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
“Can There be Racism Without Racists?” by Beth Morling and “The Net Result: Do Social Media Boost or Reduce Well-Being?” by David G. Myers.
Why are people prejudiced? The answer is not what you think
People are prejudiced — sometimes unashamedly so. We tend to have a host of reasons ready to justify our biases — the mentally ill are dangerous, immigrants steal jobs, the LGBTQ community corrupts family values
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
“Strength and Perceived Threat in Numbers: Teaching Students How to Celebrate Racial Diversity“ by C. Nathan DeWall, “Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories“ by David G. Myers
The Bias Beneath: Two Decades of Measuring Implicit Associations
Since its debut in 1998, an online test has allowed people to discover prejudices that lurk beneath their awareness — attitudes that researchers wouldn’t be able to identify through participant self-reports. The Observer examines the findings generated by the Implicit Association Test over the past 20 years.
The Memories of Memory Researchers
APS President Suparna Rajaram asks four internationally renowned psychological scientists, including APS Past President Henry L. (Roddy) Roediger, III, APS Board Member Dorthe Berntsen, APS Fellow Qi Wang, and Charan Ranganath, about the paths that led them to shape how we study and understand human memory.