Racism: Further Considerations from Psychological Science
A look at several researchers who have studied racism in recent years. Collectively, they address the nature of racism and the social processes that maintain it; examine the issues of structural and institutional racism; explore the consequences of various forms of racism; and suggest possible paths of action to combat racism. Visit Page
Coronavirus is Reminding People How Racism Takes a Psychological Toll, but There Are Ways to Be Resilient
A recent string of coronavirus-related attacks against Asian-Australians has prompted many people to share their experiences with racism and the psychological impacts it has had on their lives. Recent incidents include a Melbourne home being Visit Page
Venture capital funds led by people of color face more bias the better they perform, Stanford researchers find
When a black-led venture capital firm has an impressive track record, it encounters more bias from professional investors, according to new research by Stanford scholars. In a new study led by Stanford psychologist Jennifer L. Eberhardt Visit Page
The growing number of biracial Americans could, in theory, lead to a less prejudiced society. But new research suggests that these Americans aren’t so much shattering stereotypes as finding themselves pigeonholed with new ones. “A lot of stereotypes Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring memory for repeated images, stability and change in implicit bias, and mixed emotions toward racial out-groups. Visit Page
What Police Departments and the Rest of Us Can Do to Overcome Implicit Bias, According to an Expert
Jennifer Eberhardt is a MacArthur “genius grant” winner and psychology professor at Stanford University who studies implicit bias. TIME spoke with her about her new book, Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We Visit Page