The Liberating Effects of Losing Control
Self-control is one of our most cherished values. We applaud those with the discipline to regulate their appetites and actions, and we try hard to instill this virtue in our children. We celebrate the power Visit Page
Xenophobia, For Men Only
Very few people fear dandelions. Or even dangerous things—like Hummers. We may object to outsized automobiles on principle, but the mere sight of them doesn’t make us tremble and sweat and run away. On the Visit Page
All Brains Are the Same Color
After five columns on the urban legends in our science that may inadvertently undermine some of our efforts to build an integrative and cumulative psychological science, the next few columns will be cheerier. They illustrate Visit Page
Racial Tension in a “Split-Second”
Interracial and interethnic interactions can often be awkward and stressful for members of both majority and minority groups. People bring certain expectations to their interactions with members of different groups—they often expect that these interactions Visit Page
Study Finds We Are Better Able to Detect Racial Tension in Members of Our Racial Group
In March of 2008, in a speech addressing contemporary racial tensions in America, then-Senator Barack Obama suggested that there is a “chasm of misunderstanding that exists between the races.” Could this be true? Is it Visit Page
Prejudice Affects Perception of Ethnic Minority Faces
Prejudice can be a powerful influence, influencing what people believe the faces of members belonging to specific ethnic minority groups look like. Visit Page