Perceptions of Race at a Glance
The New York Times: Jennifer L. Eberhardt, 49, an associate professor of psychology at Stanford University, studies the effect of unconscious ideas about race on the workings of the criminal justice system. She was one of 21 Visit Page
Office Holiday Parties Leave Some Employees Out in the Cold
The end of the year is prime time for office parties. From the company picnic to the annual holiday party, office social gatherings are intended to foster team building and camaraderie between coworkers. By providing Visit Page
A Conversation With James S. Jackson
James S. Jackson, an APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow and Director of the Institute for Social Research (ISR) at the University of Michigan, has begun a 6-year term on the National Science Board. He will Visit Page
Encouraging Diversity in Psychology
October 2014 Student Notebook Announcements Student Research. Are you in the initial development stages of your research? Apply for the APS Student Research Grant Competition. Applications are due by November 16. Research on diversity should Visit Page
How racism shapes prison policy
The Boston Globe: WHY DOES AMERICA incarcerate so much of its population compared to other first-world countries? New research from psychologists at Stanford University suggests that some of our toughness on crime may be driven by Visit Page
Whites Favor Harsh Sentencing Policies After Seeing Images of Black Prisoners
Mother Jones: We still don’t know definitively what made a Ferguson, Missouri, police officer shoot and kill an unarmed black teen in broad daylight this past weekend. What we do know is that minorities in the United Visit Page