The Use and Misuse of Science in the Justice System
The psychological factors that play into the criminal justice system, from police interrogations to jury verdicts and sentencing decisions, were highlighted in a cross-cutting theme program at the APS Annual Convention in New York City. Visit Page
Customer Loyalty May Depend on the Race of a Company’s Leader
Franklin Raines was appointed CEO of Fannie Mae in 1999 — making him the first black CEO in America to lead a Fortune 500 company. Since then, only 14 other black CEOs have assumed the Visit Page
Stop mocking Starbucks’s ‘Race Together.’ It could actually lead to useful conversations about race.
The Washington Post: Starbucks recently launched a campaign called “Race Together,” in which baristas invite customers to engage in conversations about race by writing “race together” on their coffee cups. The idea has been mockedand critiqued as naive, insensitive and Visit Page
Juvenile Justice for Some
I have known Sandra Graham’s work nearly my entire career, for years before I met her. She is a leader among developmental scientists studying aggression, educational outcomes, social cognition, and issues related to the role Visit Page
Two Strikes and You’re Out (But Only If You’re Black)
The Huffington Post: I came of age in a Jersey Shore community with high racial tension. A major road divided the town, and separated black homes from white homes. But we all met in the Visit Page
The Discipline Gap: Race in the Classroom
I came of age in a Jersey shore community with high racial tension. A major road divided the town, and separated black homes from white homes. But we all met in the integrated schools, and Visit Page