Pursuing Questions at the Heart of Identity
APS Past Board Member Jennifer Richeson talks with APS President Suparna Rajaram about the factors that led her into a career studying topics such as inequality, discrimination, race, class, and gender identity. Visit Page
Pacific Standard: A new study finds Americans wildly overestimate the progress we have made toward racial economic equality. Ironically, this news comes days after other research revealed a growing wage gap between blacks and whites, as well as an Visit Page
Inside the Psychologist’s Studio with Jennifer Richeson
Yale University psychological scientist Jennifer Richeson will deliver the Bring the Family Address May 26 at the 30th APS Annual Convention. In a video interview, Richeson reflects on her remarkable career studying cultural diversity and intergroup interactions. Visit Page
Diversity as a Must-Have Feature of Science
Enrique W. Neblett, Jr., issues a call to embrace a manifesto for diverse psychological science. Inspired by APS Fellow Richard McFall’s “Manifesto for a Science of Clinical Psychology” published in 1991, Neblett, an associate professor Visit Page
Tracing the Source of Children’s Racial Attitudes
How children learn about race, ethnicity, and religion depends largely on how their parents present information about different individuals and groups during crucial developmental periods. As part of a symposium at the 2016 APS Annual Visit Page
Study Supports Suspicion That Police Are More Likely to Use Force on Blacks
The New York Times: The vast majority of interactions between police officers and civilians end routinely, with no one injured, no one aggrieved and no one making the headlines. But when force is used, a Visit Page