Communicating Psychological Science: Public Speaking and Science Outreach
If the voice of science is missing from public events, that vacuum will quickly be filled by less evidence-based perspectives.
Direct Democracy: Readers’ Eye Movements May Predict Votes on Ballot Measures
Observing the way readers’ eyes move can predict how voters will respond to real world ballot measures.
Policy Watch: A Major Boost for U.S. Science Research?
The National Science Foundation for the Future Act could dramatically increase the scope of the NSF.
Communicating Psychological Science: Advocacy, Outreach, and Passion for the Profession
If psychological scientists don’t speak up, the void could be filled by others less informed.
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on gender nonconformity, unpublished studies, race in psychological science, self-correction in science, reproducibility and transparency, environmental variants, cognitive ability, group identities, and well-being public policy.
A Major Boost for U.S. Science Research?
APS supports the National Science Foundation for the Future Act, which would dramatically increase the scope of NSF research and education efforts.