Why policy makers should nudge more
Chicago Booth Review: When policy makers around the world want to influence their constituents’ behavior, they have a few options. They can offer a carrot, such as a tax incentive, stipend, or other reward. They
SRCD seeking applicants for 2018–2019 Federal Policy Fellowship
The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) is seeking applicants for SRCD Federal Policy Fellowships for 2018–2019. There are two types of federal fellowships: Congressional and Executive Branch. Both types of fellowships provide researchers with exciting opportunities
Psychological Scientists Discuss Language Learning
APS convened a group of psychological scientists, linguists, and others in May in Boston, MA to discuss an American Academy of Arts & Sciences report on language learning.
Governments are trying to nudge us into better behavior. Is it working?
The Washington Post: All over the world, public and private organizations are showing keen interest in “nudges” — interventions and policies that rely on behavioral science to steer people in a particular direction but preserve their freedom
“Form-a-Palooza” Applies Behavioral Science to Improve Washington, DC Government Forms
It’s not every day that city residents get excited to complete paperwork. But that’s exactly what happened when a group of behavioral scientists, design experts, government agency representatives, and DC citizens gathered in Washington, DC.
District of Columbia Turns to Science to Improve City Operations
Psychological scientist David Yokum is leading an integrative team of scientists that is helping the District of Columbia conduct controlled trials designed to address affordable housing, policing, and other issues facing the city.