NSF Releases 2018 Science & Engineering Indicators Report
The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has released its most recent Science and Engineering Indicators Report, one of two congressionally mandated biennial reports, on the state of science and engineering investments and the workforce in the US and abroad.
The US Office of Evaluation Sciences Releases 2016-2017 Results
The US Office of Evaluation Sciences (OES), a team of social and behavioral scientists tasked with designing and testing evidence-based interventions within the federal government, has released the results of their most recent evaluations of government programs.
Psychological Scientists Celebrate Thaler at Nobel Ceremony
University of Chicago economist Richard H. Thaler, whose work has roots in the groundbreaking research of APS William James Fellows Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, received the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences on December 10
If Neuroscience Needs Behavior, What Does Behavioral Science Need?
According to APS William James Fellow Nora Newcombe, the answer is an investment in Big Data sets, data sharing, and standardized evaluation tools.
New Tax Bill Preserves Tax Savings for Graduate Students and Loan Borrowers
The US Congressional conference committee tasked with consolidating the House and Senate tax bills finalized the new tax plan, which will keep graduate student waivers and student loan interest payments tax-free.
Back Page: A Conversation with Ralph Hertwig
APS Fellow Ralph Hertwig explains the “boost” concept as a behavior-change model — and how he uses it to help him control his chocolate consumption.