Smoke Signals
More than 2.5 million Americans have died from smoking without ever having picked up a smoking habit. They just happened to live or work with someone who did. That’s according to a report from the Visit Page
Experiments in the Dilemma Zone
Yellow traffic lights pose one of the more dangerous obstacles that people encounter on the road. When a signal changes from green to yellow, drivers have to make quick decisions without much information. And statistics Visit Page
Ebola Scare Could Heighten Fears About Other Illnesses, Research Suggests
Americans are now fretting over an illness that they have almost no chance of contracting. Schools have closed, businesses have temporarily shut down, and people who have traveled to West Africa are being shunned — Visit Page
‘The First State’ Achieves a First for Science-Based Clinical Training
Delaware and Illinois have become the first US states to enact legislation designed to strengthen science-centered education and training in clinical psychology and behavioral health. Delaware Governor Jack Markell on July 28 signed House Bill Visit Page
Can Our Beliefs About Exercise Make Us Fat?
Everyone is an expert when it comes to weight and weight control, and I’m no exception. I am what’s known as an “exercise theorist.” That is, I ascribe to the lay theory that sedentary lifestyle Visit Page
When Patients Do Nothing: Illness and Inertia
One of the most daunting public health challenges is getting people to take care of themselves in the most basic ways. It’s not that people with cardiac risk don’t know about exercise and its heart Visit Page