Is There an Ideal Number of Health Messages to Prompt New Habits?
Intending to follow through with health recommendations may depend on how many suggestions your doctor gives. Visit Page
Promising Behavioral Intervention Helps Cut Idling Car Engines
A recent behavioral intervention in the UK convinced up to 50% of drivers to switch off their idling engines, drastically reducing pollution and noise. Visit Page
Artificial intelligence can now predict suicide with remarkable accuracy
Quartz: When someone commits suicide, their family and friends can be left with the heartbreaking and answerless question of what they could have done differently. Colin Walsh, data scientist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, hopes Visit Page
Machine Learning Might Help Identify Those Most At Risk of Suicide
Researchers are hoping to prevent suicides by harnessing the computing power of machine learning and artificial intelligence to pinpoint patients most at risk. Visit Page
Workplace Bullying May Be Linked to Long-Term Health Issues
A new study links workplace bullying to negative health outcomes for employees, including increases in long-term sick leave and prescriptions for antidepressants. Visit Page
Using Behavioral Science to Combat HIV in Mozambique
The US government is tapping into cost-effective, evidence-based interventions that can be scaled to combat the spread of HIV and other diseases across Africa and South Asia. Visit Page