Seeing Psychological Science Everywhere
APS President Barbara G. Tversky celebrates the impact of psychological science in art, engineering, and other domains.
Buckle Your Truck Up: Factors That May Slacken Seat Belt Use
As a possible explanation, the authors write that males “generally tend to make riskier decisions in order to show how self-confident they are in being the ‘stronger’ sex.”
Behavioral Strategies More Effective Than Persuasion in Promoting Vaccination
A report in Psychological Science in the Public Interest identifies the most effective ways to increase vaccination rates.
Psychological Scientists Honored by OBSSR
APS Fellow Terrie E. Moffitt has been named the NIH Matilda White Riley Behavioral and Social Sciences Honors Distinguished Lecturer, and several psychological scientists have won the Matilda White Riley Early Stage Investigator Paper Competition.
Optimizing Psychological Science’s Impact on Public Health
An international society is bringing scientists and practitioners together to ensure that evidence-based practices have maximum impact when deployed in the real world.
Is There an Ideal Number of Health Messages to Prompt New Habits?
Intending to follow through with health recommendations may depend on how many suggestions your doctor gives.