The Possibilian
THE NEW YORKER: When David Eagleman was eight years old, he fell off a roof and kept on falling. Or so it seemed at the time. His family was living outside Albuquerque, in the foothills Visit Page
Too Much Trauma
Newsweek: First Japan was hit by a triple whammy. The country of 127 million has just endured one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history, followed by a shockingly voracious tsunami. Together, these two brutes Visit Page
Tending to Japan’s Psychological Scars: What Hurts, What Helps
TIME: Even seen on tiny screens from thousands of miles away, the images of destruction in Japan are devastating. The emotional aftermath seems unimaginable, and yet once the immediate crisis is over, the survivors will Visit Page
Study suggests link between stress hormone and PTSD in women
The Los Angeles Times: Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a lingering psychological response to a major traumatic event. And researchers studying the condition now have a clue about its development. Hint: Women and men Visit Page
Weighing the Costs of Disaster: Consequences, Risks, and Resilience in Individuals, Families, and Communities
A scientific review shows that a psychological intervention commonly employed to help victims who have just experienced a disaster lacks evidence supporting its effectiveness and may actually be harmful. Visit Page
Psychological First Aid for Survivors of Disaster
Even as we breathe a sigh of relief watching the rescue of 33 miners trapped in a Chilean mine for more than two months, there is recognition that their recovery from this traumatic experience involves Visit Page