Finding What Works for Those Who Work for Their Country
Veterans who have served their country deserve the best treatment possible. And Bradley Karlin, Director of the Psychotherapy Programs at US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), helps insure that the psychotherapy treatment these individuals are Visit Page
A Postwar Picture of Resilience
The New York Times: WHEN the United States announced last week that its combat troops in Afghanistan would be withdrawn by mid-2013, there was obvious relief. But it was followed by familiar concerns. One of Visit Page
The Complex Relationship between Memory and Silence
People who suffer a traumatic experience often don’t talk about it, and many forget it over time. But not talking about something doesn’t always mean you’ll forget it; if you try to force yourself not Visit Page
Why a traumatic experience could be good for you
AOL: Finding out you have a serious illness or being in an accident is not something you might associate with changing your life for the better. However a psychologist has discovered that having a traumatic Visit Page
Where’s My SuperHero Cape?
Woman’s Day: A few days ago I talked about divorced people having a higher incidence of early death. Gee, that was swell, wasn’t it? That was the bad news, though, and now for the good Visit Page
Better Treatment for PTSD
What happens when fear — a psychological mechanism that protects us from harm — becomes unmanageable after a traumatic event? APS Fellow Edna Foa, one of TIME’s 100 most influential people in 2010, is an Visit Page