Meeting the Mental-Health Needs of Survivors of Large-Scale Trauma
Psychological scientists are leading the way in researching the best way to treat mental health issues arising from traumatic events.
Bending the Curve on a Long War’s Mental Toll
The Chronicle of Higher Education: Washington — The annual convention of the Association for Psychological Science, held here over the Memorial Day weekend, presented plenty of worry for those concerned over the field’s recent, high-profile
Trauma Survivors Deserve Therapy That Actually Works
The Huffington Post: The mind-boggling events of the past month — the Boston Marathon bombings, the fertilizer plant explosion near Waco, a deadly collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh — will undoubtedly leave in
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science. The Frequency and Impact of Exposure to Potentially Traumatic Events Over the Life Course Christin M. Ogle, David C. Rubin, Dorthe Berntsen, and Ilene C. Siegler
Bouncing Back May Be Tough, but So Are We
The Chronicle of Higher Education: In 2005 the National Science Foundation brought together some unlikely collaborators—ecologists and psychologists among them—to talk about resilience. It turns out they had a lot in common. For decades researchers
Anxiety is normal, but PTSD may simmer in children who’ve seen Boston Marathon bombing
CBS: The graphic nature of the attack at the Boston Marathon can be difficult for many to process, and that includes young people. Whether or not they were physically there at the bombing, children can