Withdrawn Children Show Predictable Brain Activity During Social Interactions
New scientific findings provide insight into the brain activity of socially withdrawn children.
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Slate: Ne vous a-t-on jamais dit que la curiosité est un vilain défaut? Une étude démontre que si celle-ci a permis de faire avancer l’humanité, elle nous pousse parfois à prendre des décisions que nous savons
How to Get Kids Into a Growth Mindset
Pacific Standard: Like many other things, we develop our beliefs about intelligence—whether it’s fixed or malleable—from our parents. But really, it’s not our parents’ beliefs about intelligence that matter, according to new research—it’s their beliefs
UNSW researchers find human intuition does exist
The Sydney Morning Herald: Ever had a hunch? Gone with a gut instinct? Felt something in your bones? People have long believed in intuition: the idea that we can make successful decisions without rational, analytical
Choice May Sometimes Be A Cognitive Illusion
We may believe that we’re making decisions consciously when the decisions have actually already been made, results from two studies show.
Does More Sex Lead to a Better Relationship?
Shape: We’ve all got those friends who swear they’re super satisfied with their relationship even though the last time they got busy was weeks ago. Well, according to a new study, they’re not just B.S.-ing