New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring educational achievement, personality, and genetics; how multidimensional objects are stored in memory; and categories and constraints in causal perception.
To Focus Attention, Think On Your Feet, Not Your Seat
Standing may lead to quick thinking when taking on cognitively demanding tasks.
New Tools for Designing Powerful Studies
Psychological scientists offer open-source tools to help researchers ensure their studies are adequately powered.
No Evidence for ‘Narcissism Epidemic’ Among College Students
Data indicate that today’s college students are slightly less narcissistic than their counterparts were in the 1990s.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the social effects of gossiping about deviance, sex differences in kids’ use of spatial language, and sample-size planning for accurate statistical power.
Appetizing Imagery Puts Visual Perception on Fast Forward
Images with appealing content seem to fade more smoothly relative to other images, even when they faded at the same rate.