New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring action-specific perception, intuitive judgments about the limits of science, and group reputation and prosocial behavior in children.
How to Learn What Not to Study
To avoid overestimating your abilities, reflect on past learning rather than trying to guess how you’ll perform in the future.
Linking Personality with Organizations, Occupations, and Income
Two recent studies highlight how personality and occupations intertwine.
Augmented-Reality Technology Could Help Treat ‘Lazy Eye’
Wearable augmented-reality technology may help reduce interocular imbalance as people go about everyday activities.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring implicit statistical learning and real-world decision making, sources of mimicry in social interactions, reward adaptation and learning in rats, and the effects of lingering cognitive states on memory.
Powerful Tools for Designing Powerful Studies
Psychological scientists offer open-source tools to help researchers ensure their studies are adequately powered.