It Runs in the Family: Siblings Closer in Age Have Similar IQ
An ongoing debate in science is the impact of “nature vs. nurture” on intelligence— are brainiacs simply born that way or is their intelligence influenced by their environment? Although numerous studies involving fraternal and identical
Constructing Emotion: The Fundamental Components of Fear
During a crisis, our behavior can often be unpredictable. Some people might respond with anger, others with fear and still others may show no reaction at all. The nature of emotion is so basic and
As Good as it Gets? Illusion vs. Reality: Age-Related Differences in Expectations for Future Happiness
Albert Einstein once quipped, “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” The famous scientist might have added that the illusion of reality shifts over time. According to a new Brandeis University study
Un-total Recall: Amnesics Remember Grammar, but Not Meaning of New Sentences
Syntactic persistence is the tendency for speakers to produce sentences using similar grammatical patterns and rules of language as those they have used before. Although the way this occurs is not well understood, previous research
Eureka! How Distractions Facilitate Creative Problem Solving
How many times have you spent hours slaving over an impossible problem, only to take a break and then easily solve the problem, sometimes within minutes of looking at it again? This is actually a
Why Delaying Gratification is Smart: A Neural Link Between Intelligence and Self-control
If you had a choice between receiving $1,000 right now or $4,000 ten years from now, which would you pick? Psychologists use the term “delay discounting” to describe our inability to resist the temptation of