Income inequality increases unhappiness, researchers say
Staunton News Leader: As high earners earn more, and lower or modest-income people earn less or see their incomes sit flat, the losers in the equation increasingly feel less happy and more inclined to believe
‘Queen Bee’ Bosses Often Victims of Sexist Workplace
LiveScience: Some female bosses get a bad rap for their “queen bee” behaviors, including the cold shoulder they give to other women in the office. But new research suggests we should blame the sexist work
How Do We Recognize Faces?
How do we recognize a face? Do we pick out “local” features— an eye or a mouth— and extrapolate from there? Or do we take in the “global” configuration—facial structure, distance between the features—at once?
Viewing negative emotion-laden images can boost memory
Yahoo Singapore: Washington, June 19 (ANI): A new research has suggested that witnessing a negative and shocking image enhances the retention of everything that one learns before seeing them. Researchers at Washington University in St.
Thinking about Death, East and West
It’s unsettling to think about our own death, which is why we have ways to protect our sense of self when we’re reminded of our mortality. For example, research has found that we become more
What Do We Pay Attention To?
Once we learn the relationship between a cue and its consequences—say, the sound of a bell and the appearance of the white ice cream truck bearing our favorite chocolate cone—do we turn our attention to