Taxer les riches rendrait les nations heureuses
Slate France: Aux Etats-Unis, en France et en Allemagne, des riches se sont déclarés prêts à plus payer d’impôts pour résorber la dette publique. «La plupart des riches américains ne seraient pas incommodés si on
Bi men exist, new study says
The Bay Area Reporter: A new study using improved methodology has debunked previous findings suggesting that self-identified bisexual men are not actually attracted to both men and women. Looking at a more carefully selected study
Being In the “No”: Questions Influence What We Remember
Imagine that you are sitting in the park, deeply engaged in a conversation with your loved one. A group of teenagers pass by in front of you. The next day you learn that the police
Ciò che vediamo non sempre rispecchia la realtà
La Stampa: “Se non vedo non ci credo”… Oppure: “credo solo ai miei occhi”… e via discorrendo, i modi di dire sono tanti mentre la realtà dovrebbe essere una sola, per tutti. Invece, pare non
How to Recognize a Psychopath
Huffington Post: Hannibal Lecter is arguably the world’s most famous psychopath. I know — he’s not real. Still, the anti-hero of “The Silence of the Lambs” embodies the chilling constellation of traits generally associated with
¡Cuidado con las madres lactantes!
Univision: Las madres lactantes protegen a sus bebés y a sí mismas más agresivamente que las madres que alimentan a sus bebés con biberón o las mujeres que no tienen hijos, afirman investigadores. El estudio