Coffee Break? Walk In The Park? Why Unwinding Is Hard
Wall Street Journal Asia: A college student deep into studying for a big exam might do well to give his brain a break. Just what he does during that break will determine how helpful that
How Devoted Moms Buffer Kids In Poverty
Children raised in poverty often grow up to have poor health in adulthood, from frequent colds to heart disease. But there’s one thing that might buffer them from that fate: a good mom. That is
Study of the Day: Attempting to Focus Can Lead to Distorted Images
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: It’s a contradiction that we’ve all experienced. Sometimes, the more we focus on certain objects, the more we misperceive where they are in relation to other objects. METHODOLOGY: Yale University cognitive psychologists
Av en bok blir du klok
Helsingborgs Dagblad: En mässa för böcker och bibliotek är förstås en god sak. Tycker vi. Men på vilka grunder? Föreställningen att läsning i allmänhet, och skönlitteratur i synnerhet, gör oss till bättre människor är närmast
‘Cheating’ Study Claims Men Resent Sexual Infidelity, Women Jealous Of Shared Love
The Huffington Post: How would you react if you found out that your partner had cheated? Would the emotional betrayal outweigh the physical one, or would the sexual infidelity hurt more than the undermining of
Evitar los cambios bruscos de temperatura y seguir hábitos saludables es clave para prevenir catarros otoñales
Qué: En septiembre comienzan a bajar las temperaturas por lo que los expertos recomiendan evitar corrientes de aire y empezar a protegerse del frío por las mañanas y por las noches para esquivar los catarros