People say they want to eat healthy, then order junk food
Two faces, double chin “Never mind that some restaurants have started listing calories on their menus,” says Associated Press. “Forget even that we keep saying we want to eat healthy. When Americans eat out, we
Myslet i v analogiích umí i opice
Science World: Co se přesně analogií myslí? Např. to, že kočka se stará o koťata a dospělý pták o ptáčata. Nebo že můžeme rozpůlit čtverec podobně jako kruh – abstraktní idea společná těmto vztahům (vztah
Cinco consejos para envejecer con gracia
CNN Mexico: Olvida esa perspectiva que nos ha enseñado la vida moderna sobre que la vejez es aburrida. Tendrás mayor tiempo libre y ningún otro miembro de tu familia dependerá económicamente de ti. Aprovecha ese
Context helps interpret facial emotions accurately
MSN India: A close up shows Serena Williams’ eyes tensely shut; her mouth wide open, teeth bared and her face livid. Now zoom out: The tennis star is on the court, racquet in hand, fist
Teens Get Smarter as They Age, Especially the Older Ones
International Business Times: Parents need not worry on the mental advancement of their teens as a U.S. study showed that adolescence actually breeds more excellence, thanks much to years of learning and experience. Results of
Do Baboons Monkey With Metaphors?
The Wall Street Journal: Monkeys can reason by using analogy, it seems. In an experiment recently reported in the journal Psychological Science, baboons in a lab proved capable of realizing that a pair of oval