Which Way You Lean—Physically—Affects Your Decision-Making
We’re not always aware of how we are making a decision. Unconscious feelings or perceptions may influence us. Another important source of information—even if we’re unaware of it—is the body itself. “Decision making, like other
NIH-Funded Study Finds Dyslexia not Tied to IQ
International Business Times: Research on brain activity fails to support widely used approach to identify dyslexic students Regardless of high or low overall scores on an IQ test, children with dyslexia show similar patterns of
What the Brain Sees After the Eye Stops Looking
When we gaze at a shape and then the shape disappears, a strange thing happens: We see an afterimage in the complementary color. Now a Japanese study has observed for the first time an equally
Dyslexia not related to intelligence, study finds
Los Angeles Times: One’s intelligence appears unrelated to the specific brain pattern that causes dyslexia, researchers reported Thursday. The findings are important because they suggest that IQ shouldn’t be considered by education specialists when diagnosing
Does Inequality Make Us Unhappy?
WIRED: Inequality is inevitable; life is a bell curve. Such are the brute facts of biology, which can only evolve because some living things are better at reproducing than others. But not all inequality is
How We Create False Memories: Assessing Memory Performance in Older Adults
A study at Tufts University addresses the influence of age-related stereotypes on memory performance and memory errors in older adults.