Writing the Pounds Away the Right Way
Shape Magazine: We all know that tracking your food and workouts is proven to help with weight loss , but what about journaling what’s important to you? Can the simple act of writing down what
De baas voelt zich groter
De Standaard: Als mensen zich machtig voelen, dan voelen ze zich ook groot. Dat besluiten de Amerikaanse psychologen Michelle Duguid van de Washington University en Jack Goncalo van de Cornell University uit een reeks van
How Do You Get Doctors to Wash Their Hands?
Huffington Post: The field of medicine has understood the importance of hand washing for almost 200 years. The Hungarian Ignaz Semmelweis found that when people in an obstetric clinic washed their hands, incidence of infections
Ini Tujuh Bahan Dasar Meraih Kebahagiaan
Metro TV News Indonesia: Ilmuan Australia telah mempublikasikan dalam jurnal sains populer, Psychological Science, mengenai daftar ‘bahan’ yang diperlukan seseorang untuk benar-benar merasa bahagia. Ilmuwan itu berkomentar pada daftar pra-syarat untuk kebahagiaan. Menurut para peneliti
Écrire pour perdre du poids
Le Figaro: Une chercheuse de l’université de Waterloo, au Canada, a fait maigrir des étudiantes en leur demandant d’écrire sur elles-mêmes. Ici, pas d’angoisse de la page blanche, pas de longues stations debout devant un
Testing Creativity
Widow. Bite. Monkey. What word goes with these three words? This is the kind of question that is asked on the Remote Associates Test, which psychologists use to study creativity. In a new study, which