Memories of Past Events Retain Remarkable Fidelity Even as We Age
Even though people tend to remember fewer details about past events as time goes by, the details they do remember are retained with remarkable fidelity.
A Guide to Overcoming COVID-19 Misinformation
IF ANY GROUP understands the toll misinformation can take on the public understanding of science, it’s climate scientists. For years, they have been trying to convey the findings from a ceaseless stream of studies showing the
When We Can Hug Again, Will We Remember How It Works?
… As the weeks of coronavirus quarantine stretched into months, hugs are among the many things isolated people found themselves aching for. Hugs are good for humans — perhaps more valuable than many of us realized, until
A New Study Shows Fake News May Benefit Your Memory
During the workday, we are flooded with emails, texts, and other social media. And with the advent of photo shopping and political leaders who don’t divulge the truth, it’s often difficult to know what to
Playing With Fear: Haunted Houses and Recreation
Haunted houses, horror movies, and ghost stories can provoke chilling delights, provided the fear they evoke remains in a “Goldilocks zone” that is neither too terrifying nor too tame. New research connects this sweet spot
Haunted House Researchers Investigate the Mystery of Playing With Fear
New research connects a sweet spot of recreational fear to a telltale range of heart rate fluctuations, shedding light on the mind-body connection between fear and fun.