Study: Forcing a Smile Genuinely Decreases Stress
The Atlantic: PROBLEM: Happiness makes us smile, but can smiling make us happy? Even if it’s a fake smile, because your mouth is propped open by chopsticks? There’s the standard smile, which remains located in
Dualisten leben ungesünder (Dualists live less healthy)
ORF Austria: Viele Menschen, ob sie sich dessen bewusst sind oder nicht, sind Dualisten: Sie sehen den Geist und den Körper als zwei eigenständige Einheiten an. Forscher zeigen nun, welche Einflüsse derartige Einstellungen auf das
Smiling ‘is good for the heart’
The Telegraph: Researchers found smiling can reduce stress levels and low the heart rate while performing difficult tasks. Writing in Psychological Science, the authors tell how they studied the effects of different types of smiling
Thinking About Giving, Not Receiving, Motivates People to Help Others
We’re often told to ‘count our blessings’ and be grateful for what we have. Research suggests that thinking about what we’ve given, rather than what we’ve received, can lead us to be more helpful toward others.
A Simple Trick to Improve Your Memory: ‘Wakeful Resting’
The Wall Street Journal: Just in case you don’t have any stroboscopic shades on hand, here’s a more homely way to improve your memory. Researchers, across two experiments, had groups of healthy elderly participants listen to
Smiling May Reduce Stress
LiveScience: Feeling good often causes us to smile, but can smiling cause us to feel good? New research suggests it might. “Age old adages, such as ‘grin and bear it’ have suggested smiling to be