Sprich den Ekel aus! (Expressing Your Emotions Can Reduce Fear)
bild der wissenschaft: Menschen mit Spinnenphobie sollten ihre negativen Gefühle aussprechen „Wenn ich diese eklige, haarige Spinne sehe, stellen sich mir alle Haare auf“, wäre ein geeigneter Satz, um die Abscheu gegenüber dem achtbeinigen Tier
8 Amazing 60-Second Health Fixes
Prevention: “Feelings of having too much to do and not enough time to do it can exact a toll on health and wellbeing,” says Melanie Rudd, PhD candidate at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.
Who (and What) Can You Trust? How Non-Verbal Cues Can Predict a Person’s (and a Robot’s) Trustworthiness
People face this predicament all the time—can you determine a person’s character in a single interaction? Can you judge whether someone you just met can be trusted when you have only a few minutes together?
Can speaking a second language make you a better leader?
The Washington Post: One thing we definitely won’t be hearing out of Mitt Romney’s mouth in his much-anticipated acceptance speech at this week’s convention is anything spoken in French. It’s been the odd subject of
Children exposed to sex on screen ‘go on to be promiscuous’
The Daily Mail: Children who watch films with a high sexual content tend to lose their virginity earlier and have more partners, a study has found. Not only are they more promiscuous, they are also
Too Soon? Too Late? Psychological Distance Matters When It Comes to Humor
Research has pinpointed a sweet spot in comedy – you have to get the right mix between how bad something is and how distant it is to garner laughs rather than boos.