Checking Facebook or Twitter is more tempting than sex or cigarettes, says study
The Daily Mail: Checking social networking sites is more tempting than sex and cigarettes, a study has revealed. Researchers at Chicago University’s Booth Business School used BlackBerrys to log reports about participants’ willpower and desires
Free Your Mind: Experience Awe, Have More Time
Pacific Standard: I don’t tend to budget a lot of time for trolling YouTube. But the other day, I cashed in four minutes and twenty-three seconds to watch a video my husband sent me: a
Is Juvenile Delinquency a Failure of Imagination?
The Huffington Post: The 1955 movie Blackboard Jungle was not great filmmaking, but it does endure as a historical curiosity. Even before a word of dialogue is spoken, the movie’s scrolling introduction makes clear that
Going With Your Gut
The Wall Street Journal: Eyewitness identification of criminals is often mistaken, but a new, rapid-fire technique for asking people to finger culprits appears to improve accuracy, a study from Australia shows. Subjects saw short films
Intelligenz und Erbgut (Intelligence and Genes)
Süeddeutsche Zeitung: Die Bedeutung einzelner Genabschnitte für den IQ wird überschätzt Wie erblich ist Intelligenz? Diese Frage treibt Wissenschaftler seit vielen Jahrzehnten um. Zuletzt tauchten oft simple Antworten auf diese komplexe Frage auf. Dieser oder
Looking Out for #1 Can Make You Happy, If You Have No Choice
We are, at our core, social creatures and we spend considerable time and effort on building and maintaining our relationships with others. As young children, we’re taught that “sharing means caring” and, as we mature