New Research on Vision From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on vision published in Psychological Science. A Bayesian Optimal Foraging Model of Human Visual Search Matthew S. Cain, Edward Vul, Kait Clark, and Stephen R. Mitroff When searching displays containing
Healthy Lungs May Keep Brain Running Smoothly
U.S. News & World Report: Good lung health may help you maintain your brain’s processing speed and problem-solving abilities as you age, according to a new study. While reduced lung function had a negative effect
Quanto costa la felicità (How much does happiness cost?)
la Repubblica: Se potessimo avere, 3500 euro al mese… Saremmo certi di trovare la felicità? Ricerche alla mano, parrebbe proprio di sì. L’importante, come consigliava nel ’39 la famosa canzone Mille lire al mese, è
How We Enjoy Self-Interest Without Feeling Selfish
LiveScience: Humans are often torn between selfish and social impulses. Sometimes when we make a decision in our own self-interest, we feel guilty for putting ourselves before others. But new research suggests we can clear
Why do jokes sometimes fall flat?
The Globe and Mail: Laughter may be the best medicine. But how do you administer it? Scientists have long recognized the wide-ranging health benefits of humour, from reducing stress and improving morale to even decreasing
More than Just ‘Zoning Out’ – Psychological Science Examines the Cognitive Processes Underlying Mind Wandering
It happens innocently enough: One minute you’re sitting at your desk, working on a report, and the next minute you’re thinking about how you probably need to do laundry and that you want to try