Facebook has a stronger draw than sex for some, study finds
The Toronto Star: Well, it may not have come to that (as of yet) but a new study suggests social media activity, such as checking tweets and email, trumps sex — as well as smoking
How To Get Over Rejection
Prevention: Anyone who’s been rejected—and sadly, who hasn’t—knows how much it, well, sucks. And now new research in the journal Clinical Psychological Science shows that it can also seriously mess with our physical and mental
Causation Warps Our Perception of Time
You push a button to call the elevator to your floor and you wait for what seems like forever, thinking it must be broken. When your friend pushes the button, the elevator appears within 10
New Insights on Child Development From Psychological Science
Read about new insights on child development from Current Directions in Psychological Science and Psychological Science. Activities and Programs That Improve Children’s Executive Functions Adele Diamond Executive functions (EFs) are critical for success in many different
Political strength
The Economist: Male Harris sparrows are pugnacious beasts. They signal their status by the darkness of their plumage, and woe-betide any male whose signal is false—for if an itinerant ethologist blackens a subordinate’s feathers, the
Psychologie: rêvasser stimule la créativité (daydreaming stimulates creativity)
Le Huffington Post: Vous culpabilisez parce que vous avez passé l’après-midi à rêvasser? Pas de panique. Sans le savoir, vous étiez peut-être en train de résoudre un problème. D’ailleurs, cela vous est peut-être déjà arrivé.