Bothered by Negative, Unwanted Thoughts? Just Throw Them Away
If you want to get rid of unwanted, negative thoughts, try just ripping them up and tossing them in the trash. In a new study, researchers found that when people wrote down their thoughts on
Your Secret Weapon for More Self-Control
Men’s Health: Struggling to stay on task at work? Gargle some Gatorade. Swishing a sugary beverage in your mouth can help boost your self-control, says a recent study published in the journal Psychological Science. Researchers asked
New Insights Into Personality From Psychological Science
Read about new insights into personality from Psychological Science and Current Directions in Psychological Science. What Is Extraversion For? Integrating Trait and Motivational Perspectives and Identifying the Purpose of Extraversion Kira O. McCabe and William
Why War Helps, Rather than Harms, Some With PTSD
TIME: War is often the trigger for mental illness, but the latest research reveals some unexpected effects of combat on post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Feeling at home at war may seem like an oxymoron
Avere la “testa fra le nuvole” stimola la creatività (Having the “head in the clouds” stimulates creativity)
La Stampa: Sognare a occhi aperti non è più da considerare un “male” ma, secondo un nuovo studio, è sintomo di creatività. Al contrario di quanto avviene in chi invece sta, per così dire, con
Brainy Babies – Research Explores Infants’ Skills and Abilities
Infants seem to develop at an astoundingly rapid pace, learning new things and acquiring new skills every day. And research suggests that the abilities that infants demonstrate early on can shape the development of skills